Magic, Science, Art and Divine

What is miracle or magic in life? Do they really happen? Or it has long vanished from this world. I don't know many people claim that it occurs somethings occurs which helps them some sort of divine intervention in their life that gives them a second chance or a better chance at life to do better for them or society. I don't know about these things though I am believer I believe in some higher powers but do they intervene our lives I doubt.

Some people find art magical some science whatever be domain the effect is same A life changing experience. Some people may find inspiration in science some theorem may give them goosebumps and make them jump out of their bath tubs and run naked around their city, cause they found something that they were working for a very long time, like one of our great ancient minds Archimedes. I like to call it The Eureka moment!!! On the words which our protagonist uttered while he ran through the streets of Greece. 

Others may find it in art, in poetry, I myself find it beautiful. Couplets about love make me believe in love once again and the motivational ones make my blood pump heavily making me think I can conquer the world!!! This can be the effect poetry or art it can be magical it can make you believe things it can make do things and if you give your heart to it maybe your life too will change.

But what does it have to take with the divinity. Does it interferes to our plans or is there something in art and science that connects to the divine. I don't know I might never know. Science has its own methods to find divine by searching for the God Particle. Art has its own praises for the divine in the form of portraits, poems, stories etc. Both have there own purposes, own way of thinking. You can connect all these things together and make complx mind for example I am studying science, I love art and history, I am a believer, I am a still skeptical about magic. So many polar opposites together but still it works somehow I don't know but it works.


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