Humans, the
ruling species on the planet earth. This species is not the strongest among all
the species neither it is tallest nor has any kind of any natural power such as
poison, sharp teeth or nails, etc. to safeguard itself. But still its ruling over
the planet and above all the species whether are they higher or lower. The only
thing by which humans have succeeded in owning the throne of this planet is
purely by evolution and using their brain for inventing things which they
lacked, such as they didn’t have sharp nails or teeth so they made sharp tools
out of rocks, fire to keep predators away and cook good meal. But the tools
which were originally made for safeguarding them turned towards the fellow
humans we started fighting off each other and divided ourselves in various
tribes, ethnicities, race, caste or color.
A thought experiment of mine consider yourself an alien on a spaceship searching life in universe. You land up at earth and find the ruling species to be 5 ft tall standing on two limbs and performing other tasks with other two limbs. Each having same features just some minor difference here and there some are tall, some short, some fat, some have black skin color, some have white that’s it. They are still the same beings, they are the same species. The alien will not divide as this is Russia this is United States, they are different, NO -the alien will simply say this is the species found on each and every corner of this planet, this is the ruling species. But we are so busy fighting off each other seeing the others as our enemy and ready to destroy them at any cost. We have the scientific capability to destroy a middle sized asteroid coming towards us we have the ammunition as nuclear to destroy the asteroid threatening our existence -as it was once happened in the case of dinosaurs- but what have we done we have these ammunition aimed at other countries at the fellow human beings.
When Einstein discovered the nuclear energy he was excited about using
it as energy alternative or any other form in which this knowledge would help
the human beings but when his knowledge was used to make the nuclear bomb and
destroy cities he was shattered.
Why can't we become one species, see each other as our own and rise above all the differences between us treating everyone equally regardless of race, ethnicity, color, creed or religion. Seeing the whole earth and humankind as one family. As the ancient Indian sages would say "Vasudhevam Kutumbakam".
Nice bhai