The connection of human body to the universe is very wide but on the internet many articles or pages show you this analogy between the structure of  brain cells and structure found in the universe, but it is not......


Everything is connected in many ways you, me this universe that tree those metro trains..... everything is connected to one another your body itself is connected to universe in numerous ways which you can never imagine. The blood that flows in your veins contains iron which was made in a core of a dying star billions of year ago. The element on which the life form on earth is based i.e. carbon was also made when the big bang happened it was also made inside the core of a massive star. The carbon as we see it today was initially not present on earth but was 'brought' to earth by a small planet which when collided with earth bought all the life giving element. It will be crazy to say that your life began with the death of a massive star. You are conscious of your surroundings your action..., you are alive, but this all life came from what we call non living. In the words of Niels Bohr 

      "All the things which we consider real are made up of things which can not be classified as real".

 Atoms or subatomic particles which make up the cells do not have any consciousness o there own, eve the cell do not have any consciousness but when they come together to make up this human body. Gains consciousness i.e. you a fully conscious being on a tiny rocky planet, orbiting an average sized star in a corner of its galaxy. 

Spiritually, many of worlds religions also consider human body as a manifestation of universe. They say inside every human being resides a microcosm which is in constant affect with the macrocosm outside the body. They both exchange energies as human body performs its functions in accordance with the universe. The most famous analogy can me made with the 'FORCE' from The Star Wars movies. they beautifully showed how one can master the outside universe by conquering the inner universe. The Upanishadic thinkers from ancient India also told about conquering ones mind or inner universe they said 

"Once the inner world is conquered the conquering of outside world seemed useless or unnecessary".  


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