Will religion ever go obsolete…? To answer this typical and controversial question we must find out answers to many more basic questions such as what is religion? Is there any religion of past which became obsolete? What are the factors that will affect modern day religions in the future?

The answers to the questions can be found out as, the very first question can be answered as religion is a system of belief in one god or many gods though we have seen a large increase in population of people coming out as atheists or not committing to any religion at all may sound like that future of religion is not so promising as science denies the existence of god/gods but still finds peace in saying that an invisible force is there which cannot be measured it’s so huge for humans to comprehend is it godly force or something other we do not know yet.

As for the second question yes there are religions or today called as mythologies which have gone extinct such as the “Norse Mythology”, “Greek Mythology”, “Roman Mythology” which are no longer followed or followed by a negligible number of people as the religion did not go extinct the whole civilization which was basis of these religions collapsed.

The religions of today will face many different aspects as the science is extending its boundaries like never before the tech generation is taking over and people are now asking many questions on the existence of god on the beliefs so any religion which focuses on these aspects will absolutely go obsolete but if it focuses on way of life on behavior on philosophical questions will never go obsolete as when it focuses on daily life rituals giving a way of life, makes a habit which eventually passes on generation to generation so a religion may be obsolete but its main philosophical theory will go on and on in peoples mind forever.


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