Black holes are the most intriguing object floating in space. The Theory of General Relativity states that sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to lead to the formation of Black Holes. These Black Holes can be very dangerous yet they can also help us understand more about the Universe. The beauty in these supermassive dense mass holes is that they help us, humans, understand the fundamentals of Gravity and also the shape of the Universe. These objects in space can have infinite gravitation force because the mass of black holes is condensed into a very tiny spot i.e. Singularity. Singularities are in the center of black holes and there the condition of space and time ceases to exist. It is so dense that Electromagnetic Particles like light itself cannot escape. The destruction from a black hole is unimaginable. They strive on eating other Stars and celestial bodies. Black Holes are created when a star dies and then it is exploded with a supernova. It takes a very huge amount of mass to make these black holes but when created these black holes are nearly immortal, they usually stay for around trillions of trillions of years with the Universe itself being not more than 14 Billion years old due to Hawking’ Radiation. We have obtained in the couple of years the image of the black hole and the very map of the Electromagnetic particles around it has been discovered but still we lack much information about it. Black holes can really mess up the space and time around it, like when you enter a black hole to a outside observer you would be in slow motion and it would look like you are entering the Event Horizon very slowly; but to the you, you’ll see the everything in fast forward and it would be like you have gained velocity, of course the gravity variations inside the event horizon will elongate your body into a long thin pipe, killing you. But the most curious thing about the Black Holes are the types of Black holes and one being the Kerr Black holes. These Black holes are purely hypothetical but if they really exist they would grant a traveler a one-time trip to the past or Future.

 “The birth of a black hole is destruction itself, so their very nature is destruction.”

From the time they had been hypothized by the general theory relativity there had been no proof of these black holes that these even existed. They only existed on paper, but due to recent technological advancements we are now able to capture these devourers of space with our excellent cameras and other equipment. A latest photograph captured by these instruments also shows the magnetic filed lines across these massive objects giving us glimpse of there inner structures. The official pic hereby attached with-


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